Carnatic Music (243) Tutor Marked Assignment 2019-2020 Solutions

Carnatic Music (243) Tutor Marked Assignment 2019-2020 Solutions Click Here To Download Solved Assignment

1. Answer any one of the following question in about 40-60 words.

a) Why Music has been an inseparable part of daily life?

b) Write few names of devotional singers in Carnatic Music form. Write two messages they
spread to masses along with devotional songs

2. Answer any one of the following question in about 40-60 words.

a) Carnatic Music is very distinct in several aspects. Write any two reasons

b) Write the reason that Swarasthana known as Dwadasa Swarathana? Name these Dwadasa

3. Answer any one of the following in about 40-60 words

a) “He was well educated, proficient in Kannada, Sanskrit and Sacred Music”, Who is ‘he’
mentioned here? Write a short note about him.

b) Who is known as Grand Father of Music in Carnatic form and why?

4. Answer any one of the following question in 100-150 words.

a) Differentiate between Hecchu Sthayi, Taggu Staiyi and Dattu Varisai. Explain the patterns of
the Swara

b) Write in brief about Gita, Who composed Pillari Gita, Explain the ragalakshna of Malahari

5. Answer any one of the following question in about 100-150 word

a) What are the primary musical forms? Write a brief introduction of Varnam. Mention the name
of different types of Varnam.
b) Why the Indian mucial instruments have some distinguishing characteristics. Give few reasons
that the foreign instruments did not become popular in India.

6. Prepare any One Project work as given below.

a) Collect six photographs of stringed instruments and paste in A4 size sheet. Write in brief about
each of these instruments. Make a collage of different types of string instruments.

b) Render the Swaras with perfection even as a faster tempo. Write the notes of exercise of
Jhanta Varisai in 1st speed, 2nd speed and 3rd speed.

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