
EHI-3 India From 8th To 15th Century A.D. Solved Assignment In Hindi 2019-20

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EHI-3 India From 8th To 15th Century A.D. Solved Assignment In Hindi 2019-20


EHI-3 India From 8th To 15th Century A.D. Solved Assignment In Hindi 2019-20

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Bachelor of Arts (BDP in History) Ignou Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) 2019-20

Assignments carry 30 per cent weightage in a course and it is mandatory that you have to secure at least 40 per cent marks in assignments to complete a course successfully. Note that you have to submit the assignments before appearing in Term End Examination of a course.

Last Date For July 2019 session, you need to submit the assignments by March 31, 2020, and for January 2020 session by September 30, 2020 for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. Assignments should be submitted to the Coordinator of your Study Centre. Obtain a receipt from the Study Centre towards submission.

How to Download IGNOU Solved Assignments

  1. Select your Category and find your subjects Codes.
  2. Select “Add to Cart” option below the subject Image, (you can add all the subject one by one in your shopping cart).
  3. Now to Go to “View Cart” (you will see a Bag on top right corner) and click on “Proceed to Checkout”.
  4. Now enter your details- Name, Email ID, Billing address, Select Payment option and click on “Place Order” button.
  5. Now you will see payment page, choose payment method and make payment, after successful payment- Visit “Your Downloads” you will see this option at right side in My Account.
  6. Now you will see all the subjects Ignou Solved Assignments in PDF format which you can download and save in your computer or mobile.

Declaimer/Important Note:Please note that PK Kapri & Co. is the most reliable source to order Ignou Solved Assignment online, Don’t worry your payment on this website is 100% safe and secure, in case you are not able to download your assignment after order you can simply drop a whatsapp massage on 9643289714 and your issue will be resolved quickly. You should submit these assignment in handwritten format with proper Ignou Assignment Cover Page before the due date as mentioned above. If you need Handwritten assignment please request on 9643289714.