Nios Online Admission (Nios Open Schooling Admission) 2024-2025 for Class 10th/12th
About Nios Online Admission 2024-25: Many students are confused regarding the procedure need to be followed by them to get admission into the Secondary (10th) and Senior Secondary (12th) Courses in National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). If you are one of them then here we will provide you all possible information associated with NIOS online admission 2025.
(fill Admission form for help Call Us 9643289714)
Take NIOS Online Admission (NIOS Open Schooling) for 2024-25 April/October Examination session to clear your 10th standard and 12th standard. If you have secondary education certificate, you are eligible to given exams for senior secondary (class xii) exams and if you have basic education certificate, you can give exam for class x. The NIOS admission is still going on and you can apply for October – 2025 session or April – 2025 session. The exams are conducted two times during the year first (For BLOCK I) in April – May and the second (For BLOCK II) during October – November. Students have freedom to opt the exam session whether in April – May or in October – November. The result is declared after 40 – 50 days of the examination.
NIOS Online Admission 2024-25 – A Comprehensive Guide
We are explaining everything about the NIOS online admission for 2024-25 session here. We will discuss about the advantages and benefits of studying from National Institute of Open Schooling. How anyone can take admission in NIOS (open school) and keep on their education. We have seen many candidates dropped their exams due to some issues in their life. Some had left their studies due to age factor while some left because of time constrains. Here the NIOS plays the major role. This is the only board in India which gives full flexibility for learning. Students from any region and any circumstances can now continue their education from this board. (fill Admission form for help Call Us 9643289714)
Why Should You Take Admission in NIOS?
There are so many students who are good in one subject but little bit poor in other. For example a candidate is very good in calculations but he has less interest in learning by cramming. He always get good marks in Math but fails in any other subjects resulting FAIL in final exams. In NIOS, you can appear for few subjects in first half of the year and for the remaining subject next half of the session. इस तरह विद्यार्थी एक आसान विषय तथा एक कठिन विषय पहले पास करके और फिर बाकी बचे हुए विषयों को बाद में उत्तीर्ण कर सकता है.
(Fill Admission form for help Call Us 9643289714)
If someone has left the schooling and now want to continue his school education, the NIOS is one of the best options for him. अगर कोई नवीं या ग्यारवी कक्षा में फेल हो गया है और बिना क्लास रिपीट किये हुए दसवीं या बारवीं की परीक्षा देना चाहता है then NIOS is the option for him. Open schooling provides direct exams of class x (if you have basic elementary education) or xii (if you have passed the exam of class x or equivalent). Learning material provided by NIOS is available in the form of online PDF and also in the form of book containing numerous examples which are very helpful for students for self-study.
Educational Qualification (Eligibility) for Admission in NIOS
The minimum eligibility criteria for taking admission in Open School is quite basic. For taking new enrollment in secondary and senior secondary class see the table below.
Class 10th | ID-Proof, Address Proof, Date of Birth Proof/Class 8th TC/SLC, Admission Form, PP size Photos |
Class 12th | ID-Proof, Address Proof, Class 10th Certificate/Marksheet, Admission Form, PP size Photos |
How To Get NIOS Admission in 2024-25 (online) Call us for Admission +91-9643289714
NIOS develop the need based academic and vocational education programmes upto pre – degree level. If students are not able to give exam of all subjects at once, they can opt NIOS which provides liberty to give exam two times in a year selecting only few subjects not all course. In this way a learner can give exams of all subjects one by one. The main objective of NIOS is to maintain the quality of education for Open and Distance learning programmes and making it powerful through research and development activities.
(fill Admission form for help Call Us 9643289714)
NIOS is providing open schooling at national as well as global level and sharing resources and study material. Just like CBSE (Centre board of Secondary Education), CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations) and other boards. The value of NIOS passed candidate is complete equivalent to these boards (India and Abroad). NIOS has multichannel delivery modes for transaction to select courses and programs. NIOS also come under Ministry of Human Resource Development of India. It also provides a technical as well as financial support to State Government for setting/Scaling up of SOS (State Open Schools).
We Provide Educational Services Nios Admission | Nios Guide Books| Nios Sample Papers | Nios Solved Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) | Nios Practical Notes | Nios Coaching Class | Ignou Online Admission |Ignou Solved Assignment For More Services Please visit:
Nios Online Admission for 10th /12th class (Secondary /Sr. Secondary) Current Session 2024-25 Call us for admission 9643289714, 9990177029 For More Details – Fee Structure & Our Services for India and Other Country.
Documents for 10th (secondary) Class Students
8th Class School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate
Data of Birth Certificate (DOB)
Aadhaar Card
One Passport Size photograph
Signature of Student
Documents for 12th (Sr. Secondary) Class Students
10th Class Certificate
10th class Marksheet
Aadhar Card
One Passport Size Photograph
Signature of Student
NIOS Online Admission 2024-2025
प्रिय दोस्तों अगर आप निओस (Nios) मे एडमिशन लेना चहते है तो आप हम से सीधा संपर्क करें- 9643289714 , 9990177029
घर बैठें निओस मे एडमिशन लेने के लिए सिम्पल प्रोसेस है। सिर्फ आपको अपना डॉक्यूमेंट हमें ईमेल करना होगा। बाँकी सारा काम हम /हमारे स्टाफ करेंगे।
10वी मे एडमिशन लेने के लिए आवश्यक डॉक्यूमेंट –
8 वीं क्लास का ट्रांसफर सर्टिफिकेट(T.C ) या स्कूल लिविंग सर्टिफिकेट (SLC)
जन्म प्रमाणपत्र (डेट ऑफ़ बिर्थ सर्टिफिकेट DOB )
रंगीन फोटो (color photo )
आधार कार्ड (Aadhar card)
हस्ताक्षर (signature)
फ़ोन नंबर (contact Number )
ईमेल id (email id )
12 वी मे एडमिशन लेने के लिए आवश्यक डॉक्यूमेंट –
10 वीं क्लास का मार्कशीट (Mark-sheet ) या सर्टिफिकेट (certificate)
रंगीन फोटो (color photo )
आधार कार्ड (Aadhar card)
हस्ताक्षर (signature)
फ़ोन नंबर (contact Number )
ईमेल id (email id )
दोस्तो आपको सारा ओरिजनल डॉक्यूमेंट प्रिंटर से स्कैन करा के हमें ईमेल करना हैं ,
नोट –हम सभी राज्यों के स्टूडेंट को एडमिशन करने मे हेल्प करते है। आपके आधार कार्ड मे जो पता (Address) होगा। उसी के आस -पास स्टडी सेंटर मिलेगा और उसी जिला (district ) मे आपका एग्जाम होगा।हमारे द्वारा निओस मे एडमिशन लेने पर एडमिशन की पूरी ज़िमेदारी हमारी रहेगी।
हमारे यँहा जेनुअन वर्क होता है, हम पास कराने की कोई गॉरंटी नहीं लेते है. स्टूडेंट को खुद पढ़ना है और एग्जाम देना है।
Why Choose Us/ Our Quality/Our Services
सीधा संपर्क करें- PK Kapri & Co. (CSC Centre) ( )
धन्यवाद -Thanks
NIOS Online Admission Process 2024-25 for Class 10th / 12th – (Open School Admission Form) Call Us +91 9643289714
Last Dates of Nios Registration
Below you can see the NIOS Online Admission last date for applying in various streams and courses. Just make sure you register yourself before the last dates for securing your seat.
NIOS Online Admission (निओस ऑनलाइन एडमिशन) Last Date & Fee details for April 2025:
Last Date of Nios Online Admission for April 2025 is | 31-July-2024 |
NIOS Online Admission After Last Date:
15-MARCH-2024 – 31-JULY-2024 | NORMAL FEE |
1-August-2024 – 15-August-2024 | Late Fee = Rs. 200 |
16-August-2024 – 31-August-2024 | Late Fee = Rs. 400 |
1-September-2024 – 15-September-2024 | Late Fee = Rs. 700 |
NIOS Online Admission (निओस ऑनलाइन एडमिशन) Last Date & Fee Details for October 2025:
NIOS Online Admission Last Date for October 2025 is | 31-January-2025 |
NIOS Online Admission After Last Date:
16-SEPTEMBER-2024 – 31-JANUARY-2025 | NORMAL FEE |
1-February-2025 – 15-February-2025 | Late Fee = Rs. 200 |
16-February-2025 – 28-February-2025 | Late Fee = Rs. 400 |
1-March-2024 – 15-March-2025 | Late Fee = Rs. 700 |
Dates for Stream 2: Candidates are eligible to apply for admission from May 2024 to June 2024 on online mode. (All Failed Students can Take Admission in Nios Board to save their year) Admission Open
Dates for Stream 3: All through the year
Dates for Stream 4: All through the year
NIOS ON Demand Admission
In NIOS on demand admission you can give exam in every months by selecting the dates of exam (if the seats are available for this specific month) and get the result after 45 days. In this way you can save your time. इसकी विस्तृत जानकारी के लिए आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं। हम आपकी सहायता परीक्षा की तारीख लेने तथा परीक्षा की तैयारी दोनों में कर सकते हैं। Call us for help and suggestions. (+91-9643289714)
NIOS Exam Application Fees
The NIOS Admission fee are very affordable. For taking online admission in NIOS the fee would be Rs. 14650 for Secondary (10th) course with 6 subjects. There are special discount for SC/ST, Ex-Service Men or Handicapped, the fee is Rs. 14500 for this category. For senior secondary (12th) course the is kept Rs. 14650 with five subjects. The special fee for SC/ST, Ex-Service Men, Handicapped for this course would be Rs. 14500.
The additional subject fee will be Rs.700 for both courses.
Keep in mind that these are basic fee structure that does not have any late fee involved. See the late fee table if you are taking NIOS admission after the last date. (Call us for more information to taking admission 9643289714)
How To Apply for New Admission (step-by-step)
If you are facing trouble for applying admission in open school, you can follow this process. Here we have explained the complete step-by-step process for getting NIOS online admission 2024-25 sessions.
(i) Open Internet browser and visit nios official website.
(ii) There you will a online admission option on the top left side. Click that
(iii) Now select the desired course and stream, then click continue
(iv) Now register new account for yourself.
(v) After registration you will receive an confirmation email/OTP on your Mobile
(vi) Activate your account by clicking the confirmation link in the email
(vii) Now you will be redirected to NIOS admission page
(viii) Fill out all the details correctly
(ix) After this click next
(x) Then upload all the corresponding documents, then click submit
(xi) Now you will get a registration successful screen, take a print out of this
(xii) This is the receipt of your online admission in NIOS, then click next
(xiii) Now you will see the online payment options
(xiv) Pay online fee
(xv) That’s it. You have successfully applied for your enrollment in NIOS
If there any problem to taking admission contact us for online admission 9643289714, 9990177029
NIOS Admission 2024-2025
For further more help you can contact us and tell us about your requirement. यदि निओस ऑनलाइन एडमिशन लिए आप ऑनलाइन फॉम नहीं भर पा रहें हैं तो हम आपकी मदद फोन पर ही कर देंगे। फिर भी अगर आपको दिक्क्त होगी तो हम आपका फॉम खुद ही भर देंगे। किताबेँ और पठन सामग्री आपके घर पर आ जाएगी। Otherwise get the books from us at the time of admission. If you have any trouble regarding MARK-SHEET, HALL TICKET (ADMIT CARD), MIGRATION or TMA, you may Contact Us for help. We will help you as soon as possible. Normally we take maximum of 48 hours to responding any help. Call/WhatsApp on 9643289714.
Courses and Streams Available for Open School Admission
NIOS provides the following courses for secondary, senior secondary, vocational courses, life enrichment courses, life skills programmes, etc. from primary to pre-degree level.
Secondary Courses – Class 10th
Secondary course is equivalent to class 10th of CBSE (or other board also), it includes the syllabus containing the chapters of class 10, 9 and some important chapters of 8th class also which are being taught in other boards.
Senior Secondary Courses – Class 12th
This course is equivalent to class 12th of CBSE (or other boards) including the Latest CBSE syllabus 2024 – 2025 of class 11 and 12 taught in other boards.
Open Basic Education (OBE)
Education to all – Under the head “सर्व शिक्षा अभियान“, NIOS has started an elementary educational programme Open Basic Education (OBE), targeting to provide education to all children, youth and adults in the country. A separate provision is maintained to different age groups so that they can learn easily the basic education. This programme is basically divided into following two groups according to age:
Age less than 14 years
Age more than 14 years
The OBE – Open Basic Education is further divided into three following levels:
A Level – Equivalent to Class 1 – 3
B Level – Equivalent to Class 4 – 5
C Level – Equivalent to Class 6 – 8
Vocational Education
NIOS also provides vocational education in order to develop skilled and middle level manpower for the developing sectors of economy whether organised or unorganised. Demand of the vocational courses increases as per market needs. These course are designed for both urban as well as rural sectors. The following courses are available in vocational certificates:
Diploma in Open School (DOS)
Advance Certificate in Open School (ACOS)
Certificate in Open School (COS)
Diploma in Elementary Education (D. El. Ed.)
This programme is designed for those untrained teachers who is working in primary or upper primary schools of different states of India. The course and programme is developed by department of NIOS on the initiative of MHRD keeping in view the National Curriculum Framework – 2009 and NCEFTE – 2010. For this section, NIOS provides programme guide, Academic support system booklet & manual and study material.
Life Enrichment and Life Skills Programme
NIOS also provides life enrichment and life skills programme to develop your skill according to your interest. Exams will not be conducted for these programmes. Most of the life skills enrichment programmes (Dance, music and painting) enhance the knowledge of the students.
To conclude and sum up everything, we have seen the ups and downs of education system so many times. The National Institute of Open Schooling is the best education board in India that provides flexible education system. Candidates who are seeking NIOS online admission (निओस ऑनलाइन एडमिशन) 2024-25 can follow this guide and get their admission for class 10th or class 12th. By taking open school admission they can study according to their own comfort. This board is taking admission for very limited time. Check the last date of your course enrollment.
The fee is also kept very low so that anyone can able to study. Further, if you facing any difficulty in taking admission/registration in NIOS you can contact us. We can help for any problem regarding open school. You can apply today and secure your seat. We Wish You Heath Education, Stay at Home Thanks.
To get proper information move to NIOS ( or official website only. There is no Agencies/Cybercafe/any other institutions recognised by NIOS for Doing Online Admission. Online admission can be taken only from Online Mode or visit the nearest Accreditation institutions (study-centre)/Facilitation centre/CSC (Common Service Centre)