How I Find My Nios Tutor Marked Assignments All Subjects?

How I Find My Nios Tutor Marked Assignments All Subjects? The learner's Internal Assessment is done through one Tutor Marked Assignment in each subject. The Assignments are supplied in a booklet form. The Subject Tutors at AIs correct the Assignments of learners and provide their feedback and suggestions for improvement. The Assignments are...


IGNOU ASSIGNMENT 2019-20 For July 2019 and January 2020 Admission cycle

IGNOU ASSIGNMENT 2019-20 For July 2019 and January 2020 Admission cycle Dear Students, As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final...


How Nios Tma -Tutor Marked Assignments Helps to learner?

How Nios Tma -Tutor Marked Assignments Helps to learner? The NIOS has developed several means and strategies to help learners to learn well and be successful. Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is one such Tool which plays a very important role in the learning process under the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) System. TMAs...


Why Nios Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) Is Important for Students?

Why Nios Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) Is Important for Students? Because in order to check the progress during the course of study, the learner should take up Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) seriously. The assignments would be a part of continuous internal assessment and also serve as an academic tool to prompt the...

Nios TMA 2021-2022 Solved Assignment

Last Date Of Nios TMA Submission for April/October 2023 Examination

Nios Solved Assignment/TMA (2022-2022) |Class 10th & 12th Hindi/English Medium | 100% quality Assured NIOS TMAs (Tutor Marked Assignments) Solution

Last Date Of Nios TMA Submission for April/October 2023. The learner should take up Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) seriously. In Secondary/Sr. Secondary Examination 20% weightage of theory would be...

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